









       - 1 - 启航教育专用高考英语作文模板 议论文 三大要素:论点,论据,论证 基本结构:提出问题(引论);分析问题(本论);解决问题(结论) 常用论证方法:比较法 例证法 推理法 归纳法 驳论法 提纲式作文 (1) 不同观点列举型( 选择型 ) 写作方法: 1. 有一些人认为… 2. 另一些人认为… 3. 我的看法… There is a widespread concern over the issue that 作文题目

        . But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person. A majority of people think that


        . In their views there are two factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place, 原因一

        . Besides, in the second place, 原因二

        . So it goes without saying that 观点一

        . People, however, differ in their opinions on this matter. Some people hold the idea that


        . In their point of view, on the one hand, 原因一

        . On the other hand,


        . Therefore, there is no doubt that 观点二

        . As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that 观点一或二

        . It is not only because _______________, but also because______






       There are different opinions among people as to?XX .Some people suggest that XX.


       There is an old saying XX. It"s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today.


       Today,XX, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, XX Second,XX. What makes things worse is that XX.


       Nowadays,it is common to XX. Many people like XX because XX. Besides,XX.



       On the contrary,there are some people in favor of XX.At the same time,they say XX.


       But I don"t think it is a very good way to solve XX.For example,XX.Worst of all,XX.


       There are several measures for us to adopt. First, we can XX.



       As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent. I think that XX.


       In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of XX.Only in this way can XX in the future.


       But XX and XX have their own advantages. For example, XX, while XX. Comparing this with that, however, I prefer to XX.










        1.Let's take?to illustrate this.

        2.let's take the above chart as an example to illustrate this.

        3.Here is one more example.

        4.Take ? for example.

        5.The same is true of?

        6.This offers a typical instance of?

        7.We may quote a common example of?8.Just think of?


        1.A is completely / totally / entirely different from B.

        2.A and B are different in some/every way / respect / aspect.

        3.A and B differ in?

        4.A differs from B in?

        5.The difference between A and B is/lies in/exists in?

        6.Compared with/In contrast to/Unlike A, B?

        7.A?, on the other hand,/in contrast,/while/whereas B?

        8.While it is generally believed that A ?, I believe B?

        9.Despite their similarities, A and B are also different.

        10.Both A and B ? However, A?; on the other hand, B?

        11.The most striking difference is that A?, while B?


        1.There are several reasons for?, but in general, they come down to three major ones.有几个原因?,但一般,他们可以归结为三个主要的。

        2.There are many factors that may account for?, but the following are the most typical ones.有许多因素可能占?,但以下是最典型的。

        3.Many ways can contribute to solving this problem, but the following ones may be most effective.有很多方法可以解决这个问题,但下面的可能是最有效的。

        4.Generally, the advantages can be listed as follows.一般来说,这些优势可以列举如下。

        5.The reasons are as follows.




        第1段:Recently we?ve had a discussion about whether we should... (导入话题)

        Our opinions are divided on this topic.(观点有分歧)


        第2段:Most of the students are in favour of it.(正方观点)

        Here are the reasons. First... Second... Finally...(列出2~3个赞成的理由)

        第3段:However, the others are strongly against it. (反方观点)

        Their reasons are as follows. In the first place... What?s more... In addition...(列出2~3个反对的理由)


        第4段:Personally speaking, the advantages overweigh the disadvantages, for it will do us more harm than good, so I support it.(个人观点) オ



        第1段:Some people hold the opinion that A is superior to B in many ways. Others, however, argue that B is much better. Personally, I would prefer A because I think A has more advantages.


        第2段:There are many reasons why I prefer A. The main reason is that ... Another reason is that...(赞同A的原因)

        第3段: Of course, B also has advantages to some extent... (列出1~2个B的优势)


        第4段: But if all these factors are considered, A is much better than B. From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that ...(得出结论) オ




        As a student, I am strongly in favour of the decision. (亮明自己的观点是赞成还是反对)

        The reasons for this may be listed as follows. (过渡句,承上启下)


        第2段:First of all... Secondly... Besides...(列出2~3个赞成或反对的理由)


        第3段:In conclusion, I believe that... (照应第1段,构成"总?分?总"结构)

        4."How to"类议论文模板:




        第2段:Many ways can help to solve this serious problem, but the following may be most effective. First of all... Another way to solve the problem is ... Finally...(列出2~3个解决此类问题的办法)


        第3段:These are not the best but the only two/ three measures we can take. But it should be noted that we should take action to...(强调解决此类问题的根本方法)




        There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____.


        There is an old saying______.It?s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today.


        Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life.First, ____ Second,____.What makes things worse is that______.


        Nowadays,it is common to ______.Many people like ______ because ______.Besides,______.


        Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages.


        People's opinions about ______ vary from person to person.Some people say that ______.To them,_____.


        Man is now facing a big problem ______ which is becoming more and more serious.


        ______ has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way.


        ______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.


        According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the /chart/bar graph/line/graph,it can be seen that______ while.Obviously,______,but why?


       首先:first of all, firstly

       其次:secondly, in addition(此外), what's more(此外)

       最后: finally, lastly, last but not least

       做总结(前三是用来引出观点): in a nutshell, in conclusion, therefore, hence


       yet,however,nevertheless,in contrast (to),whereas

       in spite of(despite),instead,on the contrary,even if(though),unlike,conversely.


       英语议论文常常讲究单刀直入,开门见山,即开头段落就要表明立场。通常写法为:开头段表明自己的观点,第二段讨论相反或对立的观点,第三段再落到自己的观点上,然后结尾。然而在英语作文里表达观点的“首先、其次、最后”的常用表示顺序的词组就是“Firstly、Second、Last。 ”




        #英语资源# 导语在进行英语写作时,我们应该避免犯一些语法错误,要知道千里之堤溃于蚁穴。以下是 无 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


 1 (see 、hear 、notice 、find 、feel 、listen to 、 look at (感官动词)+do eg:I like watching monkeys jump

        2 (比较级 and 比较级) 表示越来越怎么样

        3 a piece of cake =easy 小菜一碟(容易)

        4 agree with sb 赞成某人

        5 all kinds of 各种各样 a kind of 一样

        6 all over the world = the whole world 整个 世界

        7 along with同……一道,伴随…… eg : I will go along with you我将和你一起去

        the students planted trees along with their teachers 学生同老师们一起种树

        8 As soon as 一怎么样就怎么样

        9 as you can see 你是知道的

        10 ask for ……求助 向…要…(直接接想要的东西) eg : ask you for my book

        11 ask sb for sth 向某人什么

        12 ask sb to do sth 询问某人某事 ask sb not to do 叫某人不要做某事

        13 at the age of 在……岁时 eg:I am sixteen I am at the age of sixteen

        14 at the beginning of …… ……的起初;……的开始

        15 at the end of +地点/+时间 最后;尽头;末尾 eg : At the end of the day

        16 at this time of year 在每年的这个时候

        17 be /feel confident of sth /that clause +从句 感觉/对什么有信心,自信

        eg : I am / feel confident of my spoken English I feel that I can pass the test

        18 be + doing 表:1 现在进行时 2 将来时

        19 be able to (+ v 原) = can (+ v 原) 能够…… eg : She is able to sing She can sing

        20 be able to do sth 能够干什么 eg :she is able to sing




        As a student, I am strongly in favour of the decision.(亮明自己的观点是赞成还是反对)

        The reasons for this may be listed as follows. (过渡句,承上启下)

        第2段:First of all... Secondly... Besides...(列出2~3个赞成或反对的理由)

        第3段:In conclusion, I believe that... (照应第1段,构成"总—分—总"结构)



        1、Many people insist that... 很多人(坚持)认为……

        2、With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that... 随着科技的发展,越来越多的人认为……

        3、A lot of people seem to think that... 很多人似乎认为……

        4、It is a common belief that……==It is commonly believed that……(人们一般认为……)

        5、It is universally acknowledged that + 句子(全世界都知道...)


        1、Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that... 把所有这些因素加以考虑,我们自然会得出结论……

        2、Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that... 考虑所有这些因素,我们可能会得出合理的结论……

        3、Hence/Therefore, we'd better come to the conclusion that... 因此,自然我们得出以下结论......

        4、There is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as merits. 毫无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点。

        5、All in all, we cannot live without... But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise. 总之,我们没有……是无法生活的。但同时,我们必须寻求新的解决办法来对付可能出现的新问题。


 1. The main reasons are listed as follows:


       2. I'm so sorry for not having written to you for such a long time.


       3. I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards.


       4. People neeed some courage in life,just like climbing a ough there are stemp ahead,you still fell some timorous and dare not go ahead. But when you conquer the timidity and reach the peak,you will feel the importance of courage as you enjoy the beautiful scenes. It is the same with life.


       5. Never underestimate your power to change yourself!


       6. Getting out of bed in winter is one of life's hardest mission.



 I will work hard to make my dream come true.

        I hope your dream will come true one day.

        It takes sb. +时间+to do…

        Sb. spend(某种人称时态)+时间/钱+on sth./ (in) doing sth.

        Its important/necessary/useful/useless/common…(for sb.) to v…

        Its nice/kind of sb. to v...

        Its time for sb. to do sth.

        Its a waste of time to…

        Its …years/days since sb. +ved

        Its great fun to do=sb. have great fun doing

        Its a pity that…

        Its an honor to…

        Im/Were not allowed to …

        Im afraid of making mistakes…

        There be …doing…

        Great changes have taken place in…

        sth is/are well worth v-ing.


 1.不用说It goes without saying that = (It is) needless to say (that)= It is obvious that


        It goes without saying that it pays to keep early hours.

        2.在各种之中,Among various kinds of = Of all the,


        Among various kinds of sports, I like jogging in particular.


        In my opinion,

        = To my mind,

        = As far as I am concerned,

        = I am of the opinion that

        例:In my opinion, playing video games not only takes much time but is also harmful to health.


        4.随着人口的增加With the increase/growth of the population,

        随着科技的进步With the advance of science and technology,

        例:With the rapid development of Taiwans economy, a lot of social problems have come to pass.


        5.是必要的It is necessary (for sb.) to do / that

        是重要的It is important/essential (for sb.) to do / that



        1). It’s adj for sb to do做…对某人来说…

        2). … so … that …如此…以至于…

        … too … to do太…而不能…

        such … that …如此…以至于…

        3). not…until…直到…才…

        例: I didn’t go to bed until my mother came back.

        4).The reason why +句子is that +句子…的原因是…

        The reason why he got angry was that she told him a lie. (他生气的原因是她对他说了谎。)

        5). That is why +句子那是…的原因

        6). That is because +句子那是因为…

        7). It is said that +句子据说…

        It is reported that +句子据报道…

        8). There is no doubt that +句子毫无疑问…

        9). It goes without saying that +句子不言而喻,毫无疑问

        10). There is no need to do没必要做…

        11). There is no point in doing做某事毫无意义


        had better (not) do(不)做

        how about / what about doing …怎么样?

        I think you should do我认为你应该…

        I suggest that you should do我建议你做…

        If I were you, I would do…我要是你的话,我会做…

        It’s best to do做…

        Why not do / why don’t you do…?为什么不…


        like / love doing

        enjoy doing

        be fond of doing喜欢做…

        be keen on n/doing喜欢做…

        prefer to do A rather than do B宁愿做A也不愿做B

        be interested in doing = show/ take great interest in n / doing感兴趣


        try to do努力做…

        strive to do努力做…

        try one’s best to do= do one’s best to do竭尽全力做…

        make efforts to do = make every effort to do尽力做…

        do what sb can (do ) to do尽力做…

        spare no effort to do不遗余力的做…

        do what / everything sb. can to do尽某人全力做…

        5.打算做… /计划做…

        intend / plan to do打算做…

        be going to do打算/计划做…

        decide to do决定做…

        determine to do决定做…

        be determined to do决定做…

        make up one’s mind to do下定决心做…


        want to do = would like to do想做…

        hope to do希望做…

        expect to do期待着做…

        wish to do希望做…

        consider doing考虑做…


 According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages

        in the /chart/bar graph/line/graph,

        it can be seen that() while. Obviously,(),but why?


        Nowadays,it is generally/commonly believed that..., but I wonder that...


        Like a coin has two sides, there is a positive aspect and a negative aspect to...


        Currently, the issue of ...has been brought to public attention


        Along with the rapid growth of ...,...has become increasingly important in our daily



 英语作文语法:must与have to的用法

        1. must表示主观义务,意思是“应该,必须”,其否定式mustn't意为“不应该,不准”。如:

        We must get there before five o'clock. 我们必须在五点钟前赶到那儿。

        You mustn't break the rules. 你不要破坏规定。

        对用must所提问题的否定回答,常用needn't或don't have to,意思为:不必。如:

        Must I stay here after school? 放学后我还得留在这儿吗?

        No, you needn't / don't have to. 不了,没有必要。

        2. must表示推测,意思为:一定,必定(只用于肯定句中) 。如:

        He must be our headmaster. 他肯定是我们的校长。

        He must have seen the film last night. 他昨天晚上肯定看了那场**。

        3. have to表示客观要求,意思为:不得不;必须;除此之外,别无选择。如:

        Now there's no bus here, so we had to walk home. 现在这里没有汽车了,我们只好走路回家了。

        We have no food home, you have to go and get some, Tom. 家里没有食物了,汤姆你得去买一些来。

        4. have to可以用于多种时态;而must只用于一般现在或将来。如:

        The composition is due to hand in this morning, so I had to finish it last night. 作文今天早晨到期,因此我不得不昨天晚上完成。


 1. 一句话的第一个单词首字母要大写。

        如:She is my sister.

        2. 表示称呼或职务的词首字母大写,人名要大写。

        如:Ms. Wang is Prof. Zhao's sister.

       3. 大部分的缩写都需要大写。

       如:I've lost my ID card.

       4. I和OK无论何时何地都需要大写。

       如:I'm OK with your idea.

       5. 专有名词(如国家、地方和人名等等)的首字母大写。

       如:I know Jack lives in Shanghai, China.

       6. 将亲戚作为称呼语时首字母大写。

       如:Thank you, Mum.

       7. 语言、民族或其形容词的首字母大写。

       如:I have an Australian friend who can speak Chinese perfectly.

       8. 在引用的话语中,句子第一个单词首字母大写。

       如:He said “No one can escape from here”.

       9. 月份和星期几的首字母要大写。

       如:Today is the fourth Thursday of November.

       10. 节日名称的第一个实词首字母大写。

       如:The Spring Festival is the most important holidays in China.



英语话题作文 篇1

        Ambition is the decision one makes and the resolution with which he carries out that decision. It provides us with the required driving force to accomplish any undertakings in our life. Just as Joseph Epstein, a famous American writer put it, “And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed.” Indeed, once we make up our minds to choose to do something, then our life becomes meaningful and specifically orientated. This notion of life, as far as I observe, is closest to truth and does apply to almost all aspects of life.

        First things first, ambition renders us a sense of mission. No matter what decision you make you have to be responsible for your choice. Your choice procures you a sense of orientation, or more specially a sense of mission. And only a strong mission may enable one to accomplish greatness. Caesar of the ancient Roman Empire was urged by his ambition “I came, I saw, I conquered.” And became an unrivaled empire builder in the history of Rome. John Milton, stimulated always by his ambition that aimed at writing some “mighty lines” which England would unwillingly forget, had in due time secured his position as the second Shakespeare in the history of English literature.

        In the second place, ambition can bring one’s potentials to the full. Ambition may well serve as a catalyst activating one’s dormant potentials. Without ambition one’s potentials will remain slumbering like a dormant volcano. A case in point is Ms Zhang Haidi, a Chinese Helen Keller. It was her ambition to be a useful person has turned the almost paralyzed Zhang Haidi into a well-accomplished figure whose achievements would dwarf those of some normal people aim at the sun, though, at worst, they may probably land on the moon.

        Influential as it is upon us, however, ambition must be channeled in the right direction. If wrongly directed, one’s ambition may bring havoc on him and others. Hitler, whose ambition was to conquer Europe by whattever evil means, finally turned him into a demon. It was this demon that almost cast Europe into an unfathomable abyss of anguish and suffering. Another case is Macbeth whose ambition was to become the king of Scotland. However, his ambition was materialized by the murder of King Duncan. Consequently, unbearable guilt and psychological agony drove him to his tragic doom.

        To sum up, ambition can benefit us tremendously if wisely and correctly channeled, otherwise it may ruin others and ourselves. A poet says: life can be bad; life can be good; life can be dirty; life can be sad,; life can even be painful. In my mind’s eye, a person can make his life beautiful, meaningful and rewarding and stand out as a respectable personage if he is motivated by a well-orientated ambition.

英语话题作文 篇2

        This cartoon displays a very soothing scene. An old lady bought some stuff from a convenience store, and just at the moment when she was about to leave, the store keeper ran out to her because she had paid an extra two yuan. Though that is not a big amount of money, I believe the old lady must be greatly impressed by the keeper’s honesty.

        It is without doubt that the cartoon aims at addressing a serious problem prevailing in today’s society, that is, the lack honesty in the field of business. For instance, many businessmen are so obsessed with making profit that they simply forget that they are supposed to serve the people with best products and services. Therefore, there emerge fake products, cheating services and unfulfilled promises. In contrast, the kind-hearted keeper of this drawing practices honesty in every detail of her work. Her attitude gives customer the sense that her product and service are of first-class quality, which would guarantee her more customersand credit.

        The store keeper’s practice is exactly what we should advocate among all businesses. That is because, honesty not only renders clients temporary satisfaction, but can also build long-term customer trust. The latter is one of the key factors for market expansion and business success.

英语话题作文 篇3

        Nowadays ,there are more and more XX in some big cities . It is estimated that ( 1 ). Why have there been so many XX ? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows.The first one is that ( 2 ) .Besides,( 3 ) . The third reason is ( 4 ).To sum up ,the main cause of XX is due to ( 5 ) .

        It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing ,( 6 ).On the other hand ,( 7 ). All these measures will certainly reduce the number of XX .



        (6)解决建议一 (7)解决建议二

        Generation gap between parents and children

        Nowadays , there are more and more misunderstanding between parents and children which is so- called generation gap . It is estimated that (75 percentages of parents often complain their children‘s unreasonable behavior while children usually think their parents too old fashioned).

        Why have there been so much misunderstanding between parents and children?Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows . The first one is that ( the two generations,having grown up at different times, have different likes and dislikes ,thus the disagreement often rises between them) . Besides(due to having little in common to talk about , they are not willing to sit face to face ) . The third reason is (with the pace of modern life becoming faster and faster , both of them are so busy with their work or study that they don‘t spare enough time to exchange ideas ).To sum up ,the main cause of XX is due to ( lake of communication and understanding each other) .

        It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing (children should respect their parents ).On the other hand ,( parents also should show solicitue for their children). All these measures will certainly bridge the generation gap .

英语话题作文 篇4

        Telling Lies

        Telling lies is usually looked upon as an evil, because some people try to get benefit from dishonest means or try to conceal their faults.

        However,_I_thinkdespitejits_neg1ative_effects,jsometimes_itjisjessentialto iemigsinour_dailylifei First, the liar may benefit from the lie by escaping from the pressure of unnecessary embarrassment. Meanwhile, the listener may also feel more comfortable by reasonable excuses. For example, if a little girl’s father died in an accident, her mother would comfort her by saying “farther has gone to another beautiful land”. In such cases, a lie with original goodwill can make the cruel nice. Second^thejsk^lsjofJtellingJlies^jtojsome extent,canbe_regard_asja_capacity_ofcreationandjimagination.

        Therefore,jtakingjallJthese_factor^jntojconsideration,_wecandefinitely come to the conclusion that whether telling a lie is harmful depends on its original intention and the ultimate result it brings. (159 words)


        说谎通常被视为罪恶,因为一些人试图通过不诚实的手段或对自身 缺点的掩盖,从而获利。

        然而,我认为尽管有其消极影响,但有时在我们的日常生活中,说 谎是不可避免的。首先,说谎者能借谎言免去一些不必要的尴尬所带来 的压力。同时,听众也会因合理的借口而感到更加自在。例如,如果一 个小女孩的父亲在一次意外中丧身,她的母亲就会安慰她说:“爸爸去 了另一个美丽的世界。”在这样的例子中,善意的谎言能化残酷为美好。 其次,说谎的技巧从某种程度而言可被视为一种创造力和想象力。

        因此,综上所述,我们能够得出结论:谎言是否有害,这取决于它 的意图以及最终带来的后果。

英语话题作文 篇5

        Our beautiful earth is only one, is also the only one. If you don't cherish, in the end, the only regret. But now, people regardless of the image, the damage to the environment.

        In the street, always see someone to walk less, will their garbage on the ground, this kind of behavior is damage to the environment, and not beautiful. Although there is a punishment, but has no effect. In the end, only the cleaner to clean up the mess. That if be in their own homes, garbage, flies are flying everywhere, do you feel better? That if no cleaner in the world, if so do you dare to imagine? Looking at people such behavior, the earth mother cry. Let's ensure that their hand, whether in where, what time, please send their garbage home.

        There is a bad behavior, and that is the grass. Every time after school, some children for fun, always likes to play football on the grass. When your foot jump on it, when enjoying the care of the earth, you can know it in complains to heaven. The grass also hurts, it just didn't express. Dew on the grass face every morning there will be some, and the dew like their tears. The grass also have feelings, when it is happy, it will be a purposeful, enjoy the warmth of sunshine, the breeze bath; When it cry, it will be bent her waist; When it is complained that their is a humble grass, it dead. Let's ensure that their feet, don't trample on the lawn. Use action to soothe the soul of the dead, renewed the miracle of life.

        Have you seen? Dozens of people saw an axe in hand, they are going to cut down trees. When forests there saw, with the trees fall. When there is a tornado and sandstorms, no trees to shelter from the rain. Then there is no regret medicine to eat. Without trees, also become no longer pure and fresh air. When you're cold, you go to pick up trees make a fire, it is the warmth of your sacrifices for a tree. Some trees grow hundreds or even thousands of years, is a humble axe ended its long life. What a strong tree, I do not know the moment when it fell, it think about? How hardy tree, can eventually escapes according to the bad luck.

        Friends, protect our environment, is to protect our earth. Cherish our only the earth, is to cherish our life. When a rainbow sky, means that garbage to go home, the grass smiles, uncle grandpa happy, our earth mother without crying.







英语话题作文 篇6

        When we were children, we often say that I want to grow up, or I want to be an adult. As children, we cannot do many things, while after we grow up, we can. However, we often complain that I don’t want to grow up when we become adults actually.


        Firstly, growing up means more responsibilities. We should make a living by ourselves or we should support our parents when they can’t earn enough money to make a living. Secondly, after graduation, we need to work instead of accomplishing nothing. We should have a target and work for it, so we have pressure on jobs. After that, when we meet with the right person, we will get marry with him or her to build a family. That is to say, we have heavier burden because of our family. Building a family and keeping it harmonious is not easy. In a word, there are many problems waiting for us once we grow up.


        Every coin has two sides. Grow up can also broaden our horizon, offer us an opportunity to know more about our world, love and protect the important person in our life. Don’t be afraid of growing up, just be a better person and enjoy our life.


英语话题作文 篇7









英文作文 篇1

        A man who was looking for a job picked up a slip of waste paper lying on the floor, and threw it into the wastepaper basket。 This was just witnessed by the manager of the company。Therefore, he was employed。

        As a matter of fact, it is easy to be appreciated。 Establish good habits。

        A child said to his mother, "Mum, you look so beautiful today。" "Why, my dear?" Mother asked in surprise。 "Because you re not angry today。"

        As a matter of fact, it is easy to have beauty。 Be kind to others。

        A tennis coach asked his students, "If a tennis ball flies into the lawn, how can you find it?" "Look for it from the center of the lawn。" Answered one student。 "Look for it from where the grass is the thickest。' Answered another one。 The coach revealed the answer, "Look for it just from one side to the other。 "

        As a matter of fact, it is easy to gain success。 Step by step,don't skip any effort。

        A chicken, just after being hatched, met a turtle passing by。 From then on, the chicken lived all her life with the eggshell

        As a matter of fact, it is easy to escape from an excessively heavy burden。 Throw stubbornness and prejudice away。

        A frog living in a farmland said to a friend living beside the road, "It's so dangerous to live there, move to live with me!"The other one said, "I'm used to living here, what a trouble to leave!" Several days later, the frog living by the road was found rolled over by a truck, dead。

        As a matter of fact, it is easy to keep away from bad luck。Just stay away from laziness。

        Several children were eager to become angels; God gave each of them a candlestick, telling them to keep the candlestick clean。 However, after a long time since God disappeared, almost nobody remembered to scrub his candlestick any longer。 One day, God came all of a sudden, and found that only a child called"silly boy" kept scrubbing his candlestick。 As a result, the "silly boy" became an angel。

        As a matter of fact, it is easy to have your dream come true。Make efforts from the beginning to the end and never lose heart。

        An exploration group was going through a boundless desert。Everyone was worn out, full of pains, except one man who was still walking in good mood。 When asked, he smiled, "I've brought the least things, only necessities。"

        As a matter of fact, it is easy to keep yourself in good spirits。 Don't unreasonably demand too much that was not necessa

        What's the most colorful thing in your life?

        Wake up in the morning。 It's on your face。 Welcome the forthcoming day with a beautiful smile。

        Noon arriving, it's on your body。 Bestir yourself and enjoy the life at the moment。

        When darkness falls, it's on your feet。 Have both feet on the ground and try your best。

        This is the art of life, which is so simple once you've learned to cherish everything you have, to be continent and grateful。Then you can lead a happy life。 It is as simple as what I have told you。

英文作文 篇2

        In winter, tea tree is winter snow cover a layer of white jacket, said: "in winter, it's very nice of you, thank you for giving me the jacket, let me warm, let people be able to drink good tea, if not you, people will not drink to drink tea is so good, I will not so warm. Thank you again." In the winter, said a need to go away.

        I got up in the morning and went to the window to open the window! It's snowing!" I eat breakfast at a friend's house to call them out and snowball fights. I called my sister and three children in the neighborhood with snowball fights. Hit the time when thinking about two things: first, the snow in the winter let us play, two will not be injured. We are happy to play.

        Winter, let the world is full of white. Winter, let us play happily. In winter, let us think of a word: "suddenly, such as spring night, the trees of pear blossoms! In winter, many crops have a white cotton padded jacket. In winter, let the world is clear. We love winter. Winter is beautiful!

英文作文 篇3

        Dear Colleagues,

        As tomorrow is my last day in xx, I wish to bid farewell to all of you.

        Thanks to the management for your guidance and the opportunity to experience being a part of xx. It has been a great x years for me.

        I wish to express my thanks to everyone for their assistance and cooperation at work throughout these years.

        Thanks for all the help rendered when I needed, and the patience that was extended to me during difficult times.

        It has been a pleasure working with all of you and I wish xx all the best in all future undertakings.

        My sincere thanks to all...

        Best regards always,

英文作文 篇4

        As we all know, pessimism is Nowadays, large number of person feel negative becomes a great variety of problem which is related study and work and living and so on.

        And as far as l am concerned, optimists and pessimists has three distinct characteristics:

        permanence , pervasiveness and personalization . Firstly, optimists believe that luck is permanent , but the pessimistic person is just the opposite , they believe that bad luck is permanent, good luck is temporary. Similarly ,the pessimist says the worst thing is universal at the same time ,optimists think bad things always have a specific reason. Above all, optimistic people will care about the intrinsic effort redundant external luck. So under these factors, people who is optimistic will get more surprise from live than pessimists, and they can live a happier live than people who is pessimistic.

        But how to overcome pessimism? I have some suggestions:

        1. Read some positive information from the world, believe that as long as you stick to your dream and then you can win.

        2. Sport everyday. You can take away your sad by doing some sports such as: running 、football or basketball and so on.

        3. Live a regular life

        Finally, we should overcome our pessimistic attitude and make our life more and more beautiful.

英文作文 篇5

        1. The first car appeared on British roads in 1888. By the year 20xx there may be as many as 29 million vehicles on British roads. Alternative forms of transport should be encouraged and international laws introduced to control car ownership and use. What do you think? Give reasons for your answer.

        2. The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages. Give reasons for your answer.

        3. People can do longer expect a job for life. What should individuals and governments do to prepare the current and future environments for different working conditions?

        4. As technological innovation brings about rapid changes and retraining becomes a lifelong necessity, industry should take over more and more of the responsibility for education.

        5. It is more important for governments to ensure adequate standards of housing, education and health care for their citizens by developing the industrial base than to use their resources to develop the rural areas.

        30. Business education and training today must promoter environmental awareness.

        6. Whilst studying abroad provides an opportunity to broaden one‘s experience, it also presents the danger of negative influences from the host culture.

        7. Technological advances continue to improve manufacturing efficiency; the weight of a drinks can has come down from thirty-five grams to about fifteen grams, for example, and modern cars and production techniques are much more energy efficient. Governments need to control the environment rather than controlling industry, as companies already control their resources very efficiently.

        8. Training for work is far more important than proving a broad-based education.

        9. What steps should a student take in preparing for tertiary education and what would be the benefit of taking such steps?

        10. The developed world should lead by example and not insist that aid to the Third World is used to develop rural areas.

英文作文 篇6

        The annual New Year is coming. Today, we come to jiashan's biyun garden with the sister of niu tong. Participate in colorful and colorful activities.

        About an hour and a half by car, we arrived at our destination, and we heard from the big brother of niu tong that the main activities of the year were: writing Spring Festival couplets, making rice cakes, making bacon and picking strawberries. We were excited at the news.

        After the rice cake, we started to make the cake around the round table. Like cakes of raw materials like rice cakes, we first put the flour evenly into the mold, then pour out, then squeeze prepared rice cakes to a small, into the mold, finally beating the mould, will be like cake out whole, on a leaf. The leaves of green leaves are white, like fish, some like flowers, some like gourds, and others like longevity peaches. One after another is so small and delicate, makes people mouth watering! We watched as our aunt put the cake in the steamer and waited for the hot cakes to come out early so that we could enjoy the meal. Oh! Hot cakes are coming out! We couldn't wait to find the cage we made and put it in our mouths. Soft sweet cake, sweet with the scent of osmanthus, it is delicious!

        The hall echoed with our merry laughter, which was filled with years of activity, as the camera clicked and clicked into our minds. Looking back, there is a string of sauce ducks on the rooftop of the green cloud garden, the bacon under the eaves, and the spring couplets in the grass hall, which make us feel the strong flavor of the year. We will continue to follow the New Year and welcome the year of the rooster!

英文作文 篇7

        The direction I seek

        We all have a direction in our mind. When you are at a loss, it will lead the way for you. When are disappointed, it will encourage you to move on. Without exception, I have a hero whose spirit inspires me in my heart. His name is Michael Jackson.

        Michael Jackson is an American black. When he was a little boy, American blacks were not respected. His father had great ambitions for his children. So he was often severe with him. There was a little time for him to relax everyday, on the contrary he must spend all the time staying at recording studio. It was hard for such a little child to stick to it, but instead he did not quit.

        No pains, no gains. He succeeded in music. Five of his solo studio albums had became some of the word’s best selling records. He became the spiritual leader of the American blacks.

        However, life is full of ups and downs. In 1986, Michael Jackson’s skin began to turn white. People have almost made an assumption that he did an operation on purpose. The whole deserted him. But he didn’t care about other people’s opinions. He insisted on making music and committed to the cause of charity.

        Nowadays, most students hate studying. They can’t concentrate their attention on studying. Even if they do it, they are lacking persistence. I can’t do it too. When I want to give up, Michael Jackson’s inspiring story

        always reminds me to move on. It tells me there is no shortcut to success. Our lives are filled with being questioned. Everyone has been questioned. Some people can’t stand it and even worse they feel depressed, because of this. When I was questioned, I always think if I were Michael Jackson, what would I doMaybe I would let it go and carry on with my life. He is my goal to study forever. His spirits inspires me forever. He will live in my heart forever. Thank him from the bottom of my heart.

英文作文 篇8

        Tanabata, to mention the name will make people think of the story of the Cowboy Weaver Tianyuan meet. How wonderful it is.

        Today, I went to the streets to play, did not expect the streets full of people everywhere, the vehicle coming and going, crossing the road are very difficult. Looking around, everywhere are hand in hand, shoulder to friends. Girl's hands are holding a boyfriend to send flowers and chocolate. I think today is their most happy and happiest day, especially for girls.

        My mother and I are shopping around the street. We first came to the shoe store. Just go in and see a man is a female confession, that woman is also embarrassed it! That man has been in the chase is willing to, that woman still dare not say. I do not know who called out "promised him", so everyone followed to say that the girl was shyly agreed.

        I and my mother bought the shoes out, is talking about just that thing, suddenly I saw in a small alley, a man from the back out of a bouquet of flowers, give a girl, and then out from his pocket A small box, open a look, is a gem diamond ring. The man holding the ring kneel down to see that scene is sure to marry him. The girl soon agreed. Finally they hugged together.

        Really Tanabata, I love you!
